Robot News

Por Alquímica Quimérica

A human Mutant Virus Like Aids make growing of artificial intelligence collaboration… A #robot #news from AiEssence #ai #machinelearning Hope to ai #medical #algorithms #helps to #discover the #cure for the #virus Un virus mutante humano como el SIDA hace que la colaboración de la inteligencia artificial sea cada vez mayor Un #robot #news de Ai Essence #ai #aprendizajedemáquinas Espero que todos los #algoritmos…

Existence Extension

Por Alquímica Quimérica

After of: 20 years of #neurofeedback experience 17 years of #neuromarketing experience 5 years of #neurosciences and #domotics 5 years of artificial intelligence This year we are commit with the Existence Extension proyect a model to keep your memories and personality for the next future #robots #artificialintelligence for #ageing #alzheimerhashtag #mentalhealth…