The future is about You!

Por admin

Existence Extension is the newest AQ’s project with the objective of charge individual emotional associative memories to an artificial intelligence system. Now, our research is about collective associative memories that could be used for understand the collective consciousness, reading and writing on it. Also: Artificial Affective Intelligence from the Connectome´s era!

Existence Extension

Por Alquímica Quimérica

After of: 20 years of #neurofeedback experience 17 years of #neuromarketing experience 5 years of #neurosciences and #domotics 5 years of artificial intelligence This year we are commit with the Existence Extension proyect a model to keep your memories and personality for the next future #robots #artificialintelligence for #ageing #alzheimerhashtag #mentalhealth…

Braneika Legacy

Por Alquímica Quimérica

Un primer paso a la psicología cuántica, Bruce Lipton, pionero de las investigaciones con células madres afirma: «Los pensamientos curan más que los medicamentos». Estamos frente a la necesidad de una nueva medicina, la que tenga en cuenta la capacidad de curar de la energía, mucho más eficaz que los medicamentos. Bruce Lipton (Estados Unidos,…